
As the info-graphic shows there is a substantial amount of Natural Gas reserves in the world today. As extraction techniques continue to improve and ground penetrating radar allows us to discover new reserves of Natural Gas we see an energy that has many applications and availability for the future.

TEDx had a speaker that provided some evidence of how the further development can impact America. We neither support nor dispute what the presenter has said, but believe it is a lecture worth hearing to further develop the linkage of Natural Gas as a future energy source.

In order for Natural Gas to make a true impact on the world countries must develop their exporting abilities.When exports were plotted on the graph they were so minuscule that they did not even appear compared to their reserves.  This shows how small the interconnection of Natural Gas supplies and demands between world economies. If there is to be a switch over to Natural Gas as a global energy source countries must begin exporting and importing different types of Natural Gas between each other.1

This could be of particular benefit to Russia and its economy. As shown in the graph Russia by far has the largest amount of Natural Gas reserves in the world. If it were to harness that immense resource, its exports alone could power the world for  many years.

In comparison the United States has already taken steps towards becoming a net exporter of natural gas. It has begun converting current facilities made for Natural Gas imports and reforming them to be able to fill shipping transports and export Natural Gas.


China has seen the huge benefit Natural Gas provides to the countries that are able to develop it and has begun developing its own Natural Gas reserves. However, China faces many problems in the implementation of its extraction process. Firstly, China has a very different terrain compared to the United States. This difference in terrain has caused a huge a delay in the technology transfer of  the current facking technology developed in America.

In order for the Chinese to access their current reserves of Natural Gas they will need to develop a system allowing them to extract their reserves in an efficient manner and be cost sustaining.

Many United States companies have descended on China forming partnerships to help develop the Chinese’s Natural Gas Reserves. Companies like RMI have begun major developments in China. Hopping that the development of Natural Gas and renewables will help address the growing problems of contamination, pollution and climate change.

As this resource develops further we will see huge economies of scale continue to lower the costs of Natural Gas. Additionally, as renewable energy sources begin to take over the traditional role of fossil fuels natural gas will be able to power solely keep sectors and become much more widely available.Class_141_railbus,_Leeds_station_-_geograph.org.uk_-_632397 While this process of conversion begins to occur, we will be able to give even cheaper energy to the rest of the world that cannot afford the new renewable technologies during their industrialization. This way Natural Gas can be both a bridge fuel for the industrial countries now and then for developing countries in the future.